Thursday, May 17, 2007

Will This Work?

This blog is being set up for the potential use of growing disciples at Dacus Baptist Church, Montgomery, TX. This first post is a trail to see how it could work.

Ultimately we would like to do more detailed studies, book studies, character studies and theme studies. For this trial post we will just be listing one verse of Scripture, asking a question and encouraging you to respond.

You responses will help us see how this might work.

Verse for today: Hebrews 11:6

"But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him."

What do we need to please God?

What do you think it means that God is a "rewarder"?


DacusMom said...

To please God I think we need to (1) believe in Him (2) be obedient to Him. I believe God is a "rewarder" by the blessings that He bestows upon us. There are so many blessings He gives us, big ones, little ones. We just need to recognize them as blessings from God and praise Him for ALL things. Even some of the "not so pleasant" things can be blessings, because He can teach us through these things. Just my opinion.
I do think this blog thing is pretty cool and it's pretty easy enabling everyone to participate.

Unknown said...

To please Him we have to know Him and diligently study His word and pray that He will reveal His plans for our life.

Anonymous said...

FAITH - Forsaking-All-I-Trust-Him

Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all the things will be added unto you. (Matt. 6:33) For me to please Christ I must draw near to Him so He will draw near to me. (James 4:8) If I don’t spend time with Him daily, I can’t grow in a relationship with Him. We invest time in relationships we want to grow and our relationship with Christ should be treated in the same manner. It is daily that I have to deny myself to follow Him. (Luke 9:23) When I take the “IM” (self) out of “IMPOSSIBLE” it is “POSSIBLE” for me to please Him because my selfish desires are set aside and God is controlling my life…I never know how God will use me, but that is what faith is all about. I may or may not see souls saved; that is only for God to decide. I may be doing the watering of a seed and not ever see the harvest…but when I get to heaven and I look Jesus face to face I want to hear the words, “Well done my good and faithful servant” (Matt. 25:21) I believe that God rewards those who not only seek Him, but those who are filled with His Spirit to do His will in their lives. He shows me His grace daily…meaning He works in me and through me to do things that I could never do on my own...with Him receiving 100% of the glory. I believe He is preparing me here on earth for a more rewarding life in Heaven. In good times I have praised Him for my blessings, and in bad times I have praised Him because I know he is growing me into becoming more like Him. His love is never ending!

Carrie Hoke said...

Part of having faith in God and being obedient to Him is to be obedient to His Word and not twist it around to fit the world's idea of political correctness. I have been disgusted by much of the coverage of Jerry Falwell's death. He was intensely hated by thousands because he spoke out against the homosexual lifestyle and refused to twist God's Word into an acceptance of this lifestyle. I never heard him speak in hatred or anger to anyone, but others hated him just because he was true to God's word (Jesus warned us that this would happen.) There have actually been parties and demonstrations celebrating the fact that Falwell is dead. We should all hope to please God in such a way that we remain faithful to Him no matter how many people hate us as a result.

Robin said...

Ow,ouch, okay already! Stop twisting my arm. I'll sit down long enough to respond. But understand there's a load needing folded and all that writing you want me to do.

Short simple answer. God asks us to exercise our faith muscles He has given us and when we do we please Him. He is our great reward when we seek Him. Yes, He is the rewarder.

And did I say that this idea of blog bible study is one of the brilliant things you have come up with. To quote Woody, "I'm so lucky to be with you."

Chuck Bryce said...

Good answers. Thank you R and R (Rhonda and Robin) for thinking this is a good idea.

Looks like ya'll are on track for two of the things that I think are important about this passage. One is the key of obediance that unlocks the door to greater blessing. The other is the view that obedience here leads to reward in heaven. Too many times we think all the blessings are here when the real deal is heaven!

PS: looks like my posts will come through ad Dacus Baptist unless I figure out how to change it.


Anonymous said...

I think to please God we have to be obedient, read his word daily, and have faith to turn everything over to him. We have to truly believe that He is there for us in all that we do. He is a rewarder if we do this. He blesses us abundantly every day. He hears our prayers and is there even though everything may be going wrong for us.

Anonymous said...

I am so very thrilled to know what a blog is. Now I have even written one. This is fun. I like it.

-Jonathan-<> said...

Ok, so I've been currently inactive in cyberspace for a while...I'm back!

"If you love me do what I say" is the paraphrase of Jesus's words to Peter. Love equals Obedience. If you want to love Jesus and show it you must obey him. The Lord delights in those who love him, those who meditate on His words day and night, those who can't help but talk with Him.

It's important to emphasize the relationship orietation of God. We are His children and Jesus is our older brother. As such, we ought to emulate them both out of respect and admiration just as a child would. By emulating Him we become mirrors of His glory, reflecting Him. And isn't worshipng Him what we were designed for anyway? Just like a father, God rewards His children simply for being His children, but we must become His children by following Him.

Enough ranting for now...Great Idea Dad! And a special welcome to cyberspace to those of you just now figuing out what a blog is! LOL (love ya to death Granny Betty Jo!)